CiviCRM Membership Forms for UK Charity

CiviCRM Membership Forms for UK Charity

We are very pleased to launch a new membership application section for UK charity the Latin Mass Society

The Society's membership requirements are very specific and have needed lots of custom programing to create a series of forms which fulfill all of their requirements whilst also being intuitive and simple to fill out for the user.

You can read more about the project here /our-work/lms-membership-forms

Ecommerce Site Passes the 8 Million Mark

Ecommerce Site Passes the 8 Million Mark

Exciting news, today one of our e-commerce sites passed the £8,000,000 mark. 

Eight million pounds of sales over the e-commerce website's lifetime. And that's only for this version of the site, the previous version had also sold millions of pounds worth of stock.

If you are interested in e-commerce that sells effectively, get in touch

New Site Launch: The Balint Society

New Site Launch: The Balint Society

We are delighted to announce the launch of a new website for The Balint Society. 

The Balint Society is an organization where patient-focussed professionals can gain a greater understanding of the relationship between the helper and those seeking help.

The website contains a member database built using CiviCRM and Drupal 10.

More details can be seen here

Drupal 10 Updates

Drupal 10 Updates

Drupal 10 is now live!

This is a system update which moves the codebase on from some legacy dependencies which are no longer being supported. Modern web apps are systems with foundations in other systems, a long chain of inter-dependency which is what gives Drupal its enormous power. It can also be an enormous pain in the neck! 

All of our sites have now been updated to Drupa 10 - well, almost. There are a couple of modules blocking a couple of sites, but these are edge cases which we anticipate being fixed very quicky.… Read More

Word Perhect Comes Back to life

Word Perhect Comes Back to life

I saw an article about a Flash emulator this morning and I was so excited I had to give it a whirl.

The link below is to a thing I made with artist Tomoko Takahashi back in about 2000. It's a word processor made in Flash using drawings that she made - and some fonts I created from her handwriting. It saved things that you wrote to a text file using asp - which no longer functions as you can well imagine!

It was part of her Turner Prize exhibition at the Tate Gallery. The coolest thing was going to the Tate, and getting let in… Read More

Drupal 7 End of Life - Update June 2023

Drupal 7 End of Life - Update June 2023

This month, Drupal announced its plans for the end of life of Drupal 7. This has been pushed back a number of times over the past couple of years, partly due to the Covid pandemic, but it looks like Drupal now have a solid position.

Here is an excerpt from Drupal's statement:

"On February 23, 2022, we announced that we would be extending the End-of-Life for Drupal 7 until at least November 1, 2023. Today, we are officially announcing that Drupal 7 will reach its end of life on January 5, 2025. With this final extension, the… Read More

Drupal website for international development agency

New Site Launch: MRAG Europe

We are pleased to announce the launch of a new website for MRAG Europe an international development agency.

This brings the European division into line with the UK website with the addition of improved multi-language options and automatically updated content.

Click the link below for more information

Read More

New Site Launch: Pets on the Parade

New Site Launch: Pets on the Parade

Turtlereality has launched a new Drupal 9 website for Pets on the Parade - a newly refurbished London pet shop.

Many months in the making - and with more content still to come through, the site is a great base for future improvements.

Read more here:

New Site Launch: Braid Wines E-commerce

New Site Launch: Braid Wines

We are thrilled to announce the launch of a brand new e-commerce site for Braid Wines & Altar Supplies.

The website has been in development over the summer and is now live! The site is built using Drupal 9 and Drupal Commerce, which give us a great framework to build e-commerce websites and manipulate data in whatever form it comes, whether it's an image, an article or in this case a product.

Wiki Tribune Social Logo

Wiki Tribune Social Logo

We are getting close to finalising the logo for Wiki Tribune Social.

The site is centred around 'subwikis' which are inter-connected globs of information represented by the transparent dots. All of the subwikis go to make up a world. A Wiki world!

It's quite surreal to be working with internet legend Jimmy Wales, but it's great to be involved in a project that could really be a force for good in the world  - and act as a balance to the profit-driven social media companies.

New site coming soon!